Her leg grew back 3 inches to Normal size
This lady from West Bengal had a hip problem since she was 30 years old and her left leg was shorter by 3 inches than her right leg. Due to this she use to limping and was a helper in the Zion Apostolic Church. When the power of the Holy Ghost fell and while we prayer for her hip straightened […]
Deaf and Blind Lady
This 70 year elderly woman was born blind and deaf and was from Catholic background. Her daughter who was a oneness apostolic believer brought her to one of the special meeting held in Pampanga Philippines .During prayer the Lord opened her ears and also her eyes. She can both see and hear now without any aid.Jesus healed her miraculously in […]
Withered hands healed
Notable miracles took place and especially one night in our service in East Nepal for all those who had arthritis. This man came with a withered hand and could not lift his hands to excruciating pain due to arthritis for 15 years suffering. As we prayed the Holy Ghost fell in a tremendous way and he was healed completely and […]
17 Years Battling With Deafness Healed
This is a deacon from the church Apostolic Zion Church West Bangal ,was deaf for 17 years on his left ear due to the noise pollution from the machinery in his tea factory where he worked.As we prayed the Holy Ghost fell and his left ear was popped open and he close his ears saying ‘Its too loud in here’. […]
Tumor fell from this woman
This is a pastors wife who had a growth in her neck and it was a lump of tumor that has blocked her speech and she was fearing it was cancerous .During worship the lump fell off and she was completely set free from this tumor that she was battling for more than a year .All glory to Jesus.