Japan Okinawa Mission 2018
Greetings in the wonderful name of Jesus ,we just got back from mission field Okinawa Japan and we want to thank you for your support and prayers that has enable us to travel to this nation japan and Asia to be part of God is doing in this end time move. Many were delivered,filled with the baptism of the Spirit,healed and set free from bondages. Under the wonderful and capable leadership and guide of Bishop David Doan the work in Japan is thriving into greater heights .
Missionary David K. Doan with his wonderful wife and family are doing a most commendable work in Japan. Real revival is breaking for them as they harvest from the very streets where people are thronging continuously…Great Unity and love swept amongst the individuals, Leaders and Pastors.I would like to thank missionary Bro Hosmer and family for hosting a three day revival services with his congregation and his leadership for being present at this event. We saw,witness and took part in a glorious move of the Holy Spirit among them in these services.
It was a wonderful Holy Spirit outpouring and baptism of fire in Okinawa in our school of Healing and in Mission Conference as well in their district Camp meeting. God filled all those who came hungry with the fresh baptism of His spirit.Waves and waves of the fire of God fell and many that were there experienced the Weight of the Glory of God as flame of fire keep falling on their physical bodies burning every bondage and yokes.
Almost everyone that attended were refilled with the Holy Ghost ,we were taken into the glory cloud and into a deep intense of the presence of God and 100 over that came with various sickness and pain were healed ,wheel chairs were emptied out,the lame walked,the deaf hearing again,sickness left their bodies as the healing anointing fell . Brian who was a former mariner and hell’s angel has two rotator injury on both of his shoulders and back and suffered most of his for the past 12 years but when he came to the revival service Jesus was ready to meet his hungry heart …he was completely healed and all pain left him and he was able to lift up both his hand and bend his back which he could not or 12 years,All glory to Jesus
Many that were suffering of depression was delivered and prayed through, at the end of the service God filled them with abundance of Joy
Waves and waves of the fire of God Fell And Many That Were There Experience The Weight Of The Glory Of God as flame of fire keep falling on their physical bodies burning every bondage and yokes were broken.
What a glorious moment we had in Okinawa ,we have en-closed some pictures and a video clip below for your view and we want to thank you for continuing to pray for this ministry to reach all Asia in this eleventh hour before the coming of our King.As you receive this news letter we will be on our way to Australian for two weeks revival service and we appreciate your prayers for this mission and the revival of this nation.