Outpouring 2015 Mission Indonesia
Revival Services In Jakarta
We have safely reached back home after a wonderful experience in Indonesia mission and the fellowship we had in Gods presence was amazing Eternity will reveal and reward every sacrifices and labour for the kingdom made by the local church leaders blessed both the people and the visitors. We understand more then 40 over were filled with the baptism of the Holy Ghost and almost all at the church were refilled again with the baptism of God’s spirit in Jakarta and many many notable miracle healings were testified of the people -Word went out and on the last day people on wheel chairs was brought in and many of those in the the wheel chair claimed strength came to their legs after prayed for and couple received the infiling of the Holy Ghost after that. We could not close the service night after night in Jakarta as the presence of God was so glorious. The Lord Jesus Be Praised!!! . One of the greatest signs that Jesus is coming in our day is that the Holy Ghost is being received all over the world in this hour.
Jakarta and Central Jawa has one of the most Apostolic Churches you would ever want to attend! It is a pleasure to minister among them and count them as fellow labourers in these closing hours of time!
Salatiga Bible School in Central Jawa Graduation exercises were powerful with the students weeping, ministering to each other and together with the pastors and ministers. People prayed through and there were inward healings among the students and ministers. What a grand ‘send off’ into all Indonesia awaiting the Gospel Story of Jesus! A 72 Senior Pastor Martin from Semarang remarked how faith was received by the students which marked consecration in the school’s eyes as to the success of its efforts for young men and women that are send out all over Indonesia.There was an impartation through the Holy Ghost received by these students and are full of God’s zeal to out to the field. The people can never be the same once they have encountered the master’s touch in an unexpected dimension of the Gentile closing hour.